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Shakti Durga – Opening to Guidance From Gods, Goddesses & Archangels
Abandon yourself into the arms of love.
— Unknown saint
Can you imagine the level of ease you’d experience if you could connect with higher beings from the spiritual realm at any moment, and ask for their assistance and guidance?
How much brighter would the world seem if you lived each day suffused in the beneficent energy and loving frequencies of gods, goddesses, and archangels?
According to renowned spiritual teacher and author Shakti Durga, known for her work in integrating various spiritual traditions and healing practices, these great beings are not “unreachable” — they’re actually fully available to bolster you with the support, inspiration, and wisdom you need to find your way through the obstacles that show up along your life’s journey.
While working with gods, goddesses, and angels might not be something everyone considers a part of everyday life, understanding the profound value and the transformative benefits it offers can inspire you to explore and integrate these practices.
Shakti Durga has developed sustained, direct access to these higher entities. She knows where to locate them, how to create reciprocal relationships with them, and how to invoke their help as needs arise.
Join her in an illuminating 7-week live video course, she’ll share her method with you and guide you into the realm of these sacred light beings from what she calls the “Inner World.” She’ll show you how to work with them to address the “fractures” in your life (and the world), so you can release old limitations and feelings of unworthiness — and navigate your path with confidence, joy, and choices that are informed by a higher context and consciousness.
At the onset of this course, Shakti Durga will guide you to transform your challenges through a “quest” — inviting you to identify a situation you long to resolve — big or small — and, with her guidance and the help of the gods, goddesses, and archangels, set out on your quest of healing… so you can move forward with clarity, ease, and grace.
You’ll get to know who these entities are, appreciate their unique qualities and gifts, understand how to interact with them most graciously, and connect with the Oneness through them.
When approached as allies, they can show you who your highest soul wants you to be and lift you over the hard parts of living by lending you their strength.
Some people report becoming infused with facets of them, which can empower your journey toward self-realization, as they assist you in clearing and healing unwanted disruptions in your life — and manifesting situations and circumstances that delight your heart.
In every session, Shakti Durga will lead you through mantras, kirtan, meditations, energy healings, or rituals to honor and call forth the gods, goddesses, and archangels and ask for their protection, transmission, guidance, purification, and blessings on your quest.
Being in a relationship with higher beings, such as gods, goddesses, and archangels, will provide you with what Shakti Durga refers to as supertools from the soul realm, helping you approach your circumstances and challenges in your life with more confidence and courage.
During this transformational program, you’ll:
- Discover the role of archangels, gods, and goddesses in helping you navigate your life with ease and grace and connect with your higher soul
- Identify an area of challenge in your life and ask for help from the gods, goddesses, and archangels to guide you along your quest for transformation, healing, and resolution
- Establish your own Archanglic Temple so you have a safe and stable environment to work with the high beings
- Gain a treasure trove of spiritual tools that exist in each dimension of the V Diagram
- Experience one of Shakti Durga’s signature practices, “Ignite Your Spirit” — a powerful and deeply moving “lift,” in which you can surrender your challenges to the archangels and seek their blessings for your life
- Connect with Lord Shiva to receive his transmission of pure bliss
- Call forth Kali Durga and Archangel Michael to protect you from darker energies and teach you discernment in your alliances
- Engage with Lord Ganesha for his assistance in removing obstacles along your path of realization of your greater and lesser quest
- Be guided on a shamanic-style meditation to bring forth the light and spirit of the Sun and its sacred goddesses (Gayatri, Savitri, and Artha) to cultivate radiance and bliss
- Learn, practice, and receive shaktipat for your empowerment through the famous Gayatri mantra, which will illuminate your consciousness and strengthen your energy field
- Close with a Vedic-inspired fire ceremony, practicing all of the mantras you learned in the course in a blissful union of grace and divine glory
- And much more…
Throughout this quest, you’ll work with what Shakti Durga calls the “V Diagram” — a map of multi-dimensional consciousness that illustrates the levels of otherworldly realms…
… taking you from the physical (where humans exist in corporeal form) to the etheric (your chakras, aura, energy centers, and meridians) to the astral plane (where we do our thinking, remembering, visualizing, and more)…
… to the soul dimension (where we access our intuition and flow state) and, finally to the Infinite (a state of pure bliss, where unity consciousness exists beyond form).
The V diagram also represents the various parts of your Self, and understanding it will help you connect more easily and consciously with the Divine and invite the higher beings into your life.
The gods, goddesses, and archangels (including Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel) inhabit the soul dimension, and that’s where you’ll spend most of your time in this program.
With the frequencies of love that the gods, goddesses, and archangels embody, you’ll develop the capacity to turn mud into the lotus — for yourself and the world — enabling you to be spiritually connected and fully alive to your soul, while successfully attending to the intricacies of everyday life.
Having these beings by your side will allow you to make rapid changes for the better, always keeping it safe, clean, and exquisite.
This will, according to Shakti Durga, accelerate your spiritual awakening, and things will begin to unfold for you in ways you likely couldn’t have anticipated.
As you’ll discover, working with divine beings is not just about providing for your needs and desires. It’s about enriching your consciousness and bringing more love into your relationships and your life.
You’re likely to expand the feeling of your true essence — a bright, luminous, and potent soul who can move through the world with more ease, grace, stability, and purpose.
Ultimately, you’ll feel better as you become more illumined in divine grace, with new opportunities for your future as our planet evolves into a more peaceful and golden age.
Please note: There will be no classes on July 22 or July 29 because Shakti Durga will be on retreat in India at Maha Avatar Lord Babaji’s Himalayan ashram. However, a powerful guided meditation and spiritual activation into more of the potency of the Om mantra will be recorded on-site at the ashram and broadcast to you on July 22 at the regular class time… for you to watch and bathe in the transmission.
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Weeks
In this 7-week transformational course, Shakti will guide you through the fundamental skills and competencies you’ll need to successfully connect with gods, goddesses, and archangels as they help you transform a challenge in your life.
Join the Livestream — or Stream Later to Watch at Your Convenience
You’ll connect with Shakti Durga and experience his teachings through livestreaming video via any connected device. This connection is easy to use and will enhance the impact of Shakti Durga’s transmissions. Can’t make it live? After each class, you can stream the video and audio recordings to enjoy anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
This course will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, and Q&A with Shakti Durga. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to evoke the assistance of higher light beings to guide you through a spiritual quest to finally transform a challenge in your life — through mantra, kirtan, meditation, ceremony, and powerful ritual practices.
Module 1: Connect With the Gods, Goddesses & Archangels for Blessings & Healing
In this opening session, Shakti Durga will set the scene for the course and you’ll set your intentions, looking at why you might work with gods, goddesses, and archangels. You’ll explore the various ways to meet the gods and goddesses, including the Bhakti yoga tools of kirtan and mantra.
You’ll discover how the world of the gods and the worlds of humankind interact, and explore a simple and relatable map of the inner world that will provide stability, clarity, and purpose for your work and in this program.
Shakti Durga will introduce a form of group healing called “Ignite Your Spirit,” designed to release any doubts and fears about your capacity to commune with gods, goddesses, and archangels, as you experience the blessings and connection that your heart and soul yearns for.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover how gods, goddesses, and archangels will help you connect with your higher soul, the ways they’re different from humans, and how they’re connected and part of the universal Oneness
- Experiencer the Ignite Your Spirit healing to release restrictions you may have placed on yourself
- Practice a technique for strengthening your connection to the inner world
- Learn about rapid states of vibrational lift and shift and what to expect
- Meet Lord Shiva, the pure bliss beyond form, and sing and chant to him to receive his transmissions and blessings
Module 2: Practice Discernment With Your Inner Plane Connections for Safety & Protection
This week, you’ll learn how to stay safe and expand into your full magnificence while journeying on the inner plane.
The world is teeming with life, and so is the inner world. They both have their wonders and dangers. Just as you’d exercise care when meeting new people on the street or online, it’s also prudent to ensure that the beings you meet in the inner world are who they say they are.
Understanding that not everyone is filled with light will help you avoid distortion and minimize your obstacles to true guidance. While meeting unreliable sources is rare, it’s good to be aware and have wisdom at hand when you need it.
Shakti Durga will guide you through simple tools and techniques to safeguard your light and energy, as you grasp the paramount importance of love.
You’ll call forth Kali Durga and Archangel Michael to receive blessings and help you awaken to true discernment and divine connection. You’ll bathe in the bliss of Kali through mantra and kirtan, experiencing her pure compassionate love as you surrender more deeply into your higher soul’s bliss and grace.
Here you’ll ask Kali to help you evolve and grow, and to bless your greater and lesser quest.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn to invoke for divine connection and protection in the flavor that’s right for you
- Explore the importance of “spiritual braiding” with gods, goddesses, and archangels who keep us safe in our inner plane connections, and uncover the role of real spiritual masters in that process
- Understand how to identify a false connection, and how to shut down a session that doesn’t feel right
- Why the law of free will can be your friend or your foe
- Meet the Goddess Kali Durga in her role of destroyer of darkness, ignorance, ego, and separateness
Module 3: Practice the Archangelic Meditation to Resolve Challenges, Evolve & Grow
In this class, you’ll learn about and experience four archangels.
Archangel Raphael rules the East and can “see over the horizon,” helping you illuminate your mind for guidance, newness, and lightness of being. Raphael rules the element of air.
Archangel Michael is the divine protector and will help you to defeat the darkness wherever you encounter it. He’s associated with the South and rules fire.
Archangel Gabriel, the “messenger of God,’’ delivers divine guidance straight into your heart through the vast power of love, and will help you reveal the sacred within your own life. Gabriel is the guardian of the West and rules the element of water.
Archangel Uriel, the “lightning power of God,” will bring embodied change and the felt sense of lived wisdom to your earthly life. He’s associated with the North and the element of earth.
Establishing the Archangelic Temple and practicing it will provide you with a great deal of assistance in a safe and stable environment.
Rich with divine presence, the Archangelic meditation practice is in four parts. You’ll purify and release obstacles with Archangel Michael… get clear about your greater and lesser quest with Archangel Raphael… fill up with love as you commune with Archangel Gabriel… and experience the grounding energy of Archangel Uriel, who can evoke lightning change in your life.
This meditation will help you solve issues, evolve, and grow. It’s also blissfully addictive!
In this session, you’ll:
- Practice the beautiful Ararita mantra to call forth the archangels
- Experience an incredible guided meditative practice to meet and receive the blessings of all 4 archangels
- Understand each archangel’s nature and gifts
- Feel divine current running through the Archangelic Meditation Temple
- Feel refreshed and lighter, and uplifted by the archangels
Module 4: Connect With Lord Ganesha to Remove Obstacles on Your Quest & Surrender Into Bliss
The aim of spiritual practice is to shift your consciousness — from identifying with your body, to truly experiencing your unity with all that is.
In this module, you’ll embark on a sacred journey to connect with your higher soul and manage your ego — surrendering much of who and what you thought you were and rising into the blissful world of the divine.
You’ll again use mantra to connect with gods, goddesses, and archangels.
Shakti Durga will share the story of Ganesha, the elephant-headed god who’s revered as the remover of obstacles in our lives. His story of battling with the divine only to be transformed by it is a metaphor for your own journey of self-realization. Singing and chanting to Ganesha, you’ll ask him for his blessings on your life quest.
This week, you’ll:
- Explore the power of mantra in working with gods and goddesses
- Experience a healing meditation to ask Ganesha to remove the obstacles to the realization of your greater and lesser quest
- Discover the metaphor of Lord Ganesha’s transformation for your own journey from dualistic, egoic reference points, to enlightened Oneness with your higher soul and all of life
- Discover why gods and goddesses are often depicted riding unlikely animals, and why huge Ganesha rides a tiny mouse
- Receive activation for Lord Ganesha’s beej mantra, “Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha,” and enjoy his blessings and transmission
Module 5: Connect With the Spiritual Sun to Cultivate Inner Radiance
Through the history of the entire world, the Sun is the most recognized god/goddess that exists. In this class you’ll connect with the Sun through the V diagram, understanding the difference between the solar physical presence and the consciousness that holds it as the Logos or Deity of the Sun.
The sun works with you on an energetic level and boosts your vitality and wellbeing. The ancients knew of the spiritual strength of the sun, and you can call this wisdom back into your life by combining mantra practice with the awareness of your own energy field — and how it’s illumined.
In this session, you’ll:
- Learn a short mantra that calls the radiance of the sun into your energy field
- Consider the nature of the Sun as a divine sentient being
- Recall the hardware of your spirit — the 7 energy centers into which the sun pours its radiance
- Receive spiritual transmission of the sun’s beeja mantra as you practice it with your co-participants
- Experience a guided shamanic-style meditation to bring forth the light and spirit of the sun
Module 6: Connect with Gayatri, Savitri & the Celtic Goddess Artha to Illuminate Your Consciousness & Receive Blissful Energy
The famous Song of Light, the Gayatri Mantra, calls the radiance of the Sun in the form of the Goddess Savitri into our consciousness for our own illumination.
Savitri can help you cultivate continuous awareness and memory that transcends the death of the body, bringing inner illumination that can’t be dimmed. The Gayatri Mantra calls on her to illuminate our consciousness.
This week, you’ll be offered shaktipat — a spiritual transmission of the bliss of the mantra — which strengthens its effect when you use it — as though you’d been chanting it for many years!
Building on last week’s session, you’ll take a shamanic journey to the inner plane ashram of the Sun. You’ll prepare by chanting the Gayatri and last Sun mantras, to warm and strengthen your seven major energy centers before the journey.
Then you’ll meet Celtic Goddess Artha, a goddess of radiant light and fire, who has blissful wisdom. As you receive Artha’s scintillating blessings and wisdom, you can expect to experience radiant transcendent energy and an experience of the bliss of illumination.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn, practice, and receive shaktipat for your empowerment into the famous Gayatri mantra, which will illuminate your consciousness and strengthen your energy field
- Journey through our pillar of light to the Ashram of the Sun for expansion of consciousness and healing on all levels
- Learn about the Goddess Artha, sister goddess to Eartha, the spirit of planet Earth.
- Receive transmission and blessings from the goddess of radiant light and fire
Module 7: Celebrate! Experience a Sacred Fire Ceremony to Offer Gratitude to the Divine & Receive Blessings
Fire ceremonies have been used in both Eastern and Western traditions to invoke the Divine to help us in every aspect of our human existence. Potent, protective, and awakening, the fire becomes charged with our devotion for the Divine. As we offer ourselves and put our hearts into the sacred mantras, we give gratitude and love to the Infinite.
In this final session, you’ll explore the elements of a fire ritual, and experience a profoundly beautiful ceremony set on the grounds of Shakti Durga’s wonderful Harmony Centre in Cooranbong Australia.
You’ll be moved by the beauty of the ceremony and be drawn into the sacredness of the event.
If weather permits, you’ll end this course at a very sacred place, the Earth Mother Altar made out of a large sandstone rock, surrounded by trees at the ashram.
Because the spiritual effect of the powerful fire is non-local, you’ll receive all the blessings (watching virtually), as if you’re sitting right by the fire.
During this celebratory close to your course, you’ll:
- Learn how to participate in the use of ceremony to call in the energy of all of the gods, goddesses, and archangels — particularly the Sun and Gayatri, who awaken the fire within
- Experience a Vedic-inspired fire ceremony, practicing all of the mantras you learned in the course in a blissful union of grace and divine glory
- Feel the vibrant tingling blissful presence of the Divine through the unity and common intention of your group, regardless of where you are in the world
- Prepare and consume water and fruits that will carry the energy of the ceremony right into the cells of your body
- Receive a final blessing on your greater and lesser quest, contemplating all that you’re taking with you from the program
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Seven 90-Minute Class Sessions With Shakti Durga
Experience a unique opportunity to be mentored by and learn from World Renowned Spiritual Teacher And Author Shakti Durga — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a livestreaming video option and will guide you to cultivate profound relationships with gods, goddesses, and archangels and request their guidance in transforming a challenge in your life — honoring these higher light beings and asking for their protection and blessings. Course sessions are on Mondays at 4:00pm Pacific.
Seven Video Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the video will be available for you to stream in a high-quality format. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can watch anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Seven Audio Recordings of Class Sessions
After each class, the audio will be available for you to stream. You’ll never have to worry about missing a session, and you can listen anytime and anywhere at your convenience.
Seven Transcripts of Class Sessions
You’ll also receive the entire class transcription after each session is completed. You can then review, print, and highlight the most important insights and practices you were given.
Interactive Exercises and Questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each week’s lesson.
An Unprecedented Opportunity to Join the Online Course, Opening to Guidance From Gods, Goddesses & Archangels
We feel honored that Shakti Durga has chosen to partner with The Shift Network to offer this exclusive LIVE online course. This is a unique opportunity to interact directly with a renowned spiritual teacher and author whose powerful insights and pioneering work are helping us heal and awaken ourselves and our world.
If you’re serious about transforming a challenge you’re facing and living a more spiritually connected life — with the help of gods, goddesses, and archangels — then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-kind program.
More Praise for Shakti Durga…
“Shakti Durga’s presence is felt as soon as she is in the room.”
I was blessed to meet Shakti Durga five years ago. My life has completely changed since then. My focus has now turned inwards, working towards more balance, embracing retirement, refueling, and contemplating the next phase of my life. This way, I can give from a full heart, rather than depleting myself. I am learning this through the many programs, retreats, meditations, and private sessions with Shakti Durga. Shakti Durga’s presence is felt as soon as she is in the room. She radiates love and really sees you. An amazing role model, she is loving, vibrant, and inspiring. I could never have imagined my life to look like this. The fact that I have moved across Australia to be close to Shakti Durga and her community is the best recommendation I can give!
Marilena Q., New South Wales, Australia
“I grow in gratitude to the teacher who instructs me on how to embody the meaning of the word.”
My spiritual path, solitary and often frustrating, intersected (at 54) with Shakti Durga’s 13 years ago. She became my teacher in a slow but steady process of growth and personal awakening. Her books comprised the instruction manual for life that was previously missing, as well as a bridge to the ancient texts which were for so long inaccessible. Shakti Durga did not offer to do my work for me (quite the contrary). As someone who “got” me, she held a vision of the best me I could at any moment be. I grow in gratitude to the teacher who instructs me on how to embody the meaning of the word.
Brian S., Newtown, Connecticut
About Shakti Durga
Shakti Durga is the founder of the WellBeing Initiative, a registered Australian charity with the vision of helping to lift human consciousness and promoting spiritual, mental, emotional and physical flourishing. Through her five books and countless spiritual music and mantra CDs, she helps others heal and become inspired, and guides them to experience nonduality, through which their lives begin to abound with miracles of grace.
Shakti Durga, who was a practicing barrister prior to beginning her vocation in spirituality, has developed two pathways for spiritual evolution. One is a joy-filled spiritual training program called The Spiritual Path, which focuses on cultivating inner illumination through a deep, practical understanding of multifaith spirituality. The other is a comprehensive seminar series for spiritual personal development, helping people marry spirituality with worldly life, bringing more grace, skill and peace to even the most difficult circumstances.
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