
Steven Primo – Professional Swing Trading College



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Steven Primo – Professional Swing Trading College

  • You will learn The CORE, a group of statistically-backed model-driven methods that provide you with exact entries into rapid trend-reversals. Over 7 sessions we will teach you a new way of trading in which every trading decision you will ever make is automatically generated by a set of clearly defined rules. No longer will you need to guess or be dependent on someone else’s opinions. Our single-minded focus is to teach you to successfully trade methodologies with strong simulated results over a minimum of 10 years, a high percentage of correct trades (up to 90%!), high profit factors and minimum drawdowns.
  • The methods you will be taught and trained to apply have some of the highest performing results ever published for trading high-quality stocks, indices and options. One of the systems you will be learning may be one of the most powerful swing trading methods ever developed. Over the past decade, 85% of its signals were profitable on the long side trading the S&P; 500. And let’s look at its Profit Factor. 2.0 is considered excellent. 3.0 is very rare. This method has a Profit Factor of 9.25 in the S&P; 500! And that is only one! of the many high-performance methods you will be learning.
  • At The TradingMarkets Swing Trading College, you will be taught multiple systematic ways to trade stocks, indices and options (we call these methodologies The CORE). None of these methodologies have ever been made public before! We will walk you through each of these methodologies step-by-step, week-by-week and you will learn to trade them by watching fund manager Steven Primo trade them in a live account (recorded previously).
  • The methods you will learn are scalable to multiple markets. For example, The R3 Methodology which you will be taught early in the program has produced 2894 Nasdaq points on the long side over the past decade. The signals have been 86.36% correct and the system, has a profit factor of 14.66! Not only will you learn how to trade this methodology in the indices, but you’ll be taught how to swing trade stocks with it. And you’ll learn how it can even be applied to trade options.
  • You will learn from Steve by watching him trade an account with real money as he applies The CORE (previously recorded). Your learning will be accelerated as you watch him trade through real market situations. You will see Steve trading a real money account beginning after the sixth lesson in order for you to see how and why he executes specific trades.
  • You will learn trading methods with unparalleled performance. Another one of the many methods you will learn is the 4/10/60 Trading System which is designed to trade high quality stocks on the long and short side. Since 1989, this system has led to simulated gains of nearly 5 times the average of return over a two week period of the average stock in the S&P; 100! Again, model driven, tested and completely systematic.
  • You can eliminate the guesswork and swing trade stocks with consistent results. We will also teach you a never-before-published method that we applied to every stock in the Nasdaq 100. 94% of these stocks made money over the past decade (or since they’ve gone public)! Here are the simulated results from a handful of Nasdaq-100 stocks (results from Jan. 1, 1995 through Dec. 31, 2004).

We are not aware of another short-term trading methodology that comes close to this system. But during the 7 sessions you spend with us, you will learn and take complete possession of the rules of this system. And after you complete our program, you will be able to trade this system (and many others) for the rest of your life.

  • You will only learn methodologies which are backed by academic research and yet are easy to learn. We have developed a quantified approach which predicts day-to-day (non-news-driven) short-term movement in major stocks. This is backed by numerous academic studies which confirm the mathematical backbone of the method. But here’s the beautiful paradox: Our research has allowed us to develop a very simple and easy-to-learn swing trading method comprised of only a small number of rules.
  • We will teach you how to be a successful short-seller. Many of the methods you will learn are just as effective for trading the short side of the market as the long side. By the end of your 7 sessions, you will know these methods and be able to take full advantage of the strong fear-driven moves that occur in down markets.
  • 100% clear and systematic signals…just take a few minutes to follow the easy-to-learn rules and trade each signal. How many times have your emotions or other peoples’ opinions caused you to lose money? With our methods you’ll have a fresh start trading an automated and systematic approach which provides clear and completely unambiguous trading signals. These rules literally tell you everything you need to know…when it’s okay to trade, how to enter a trade and where you exit. There is no discretionary “thought process” you have to learn and no emotions to foul you up.
  • The TradingMarkets Swing Trading College is backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. Follow the rules of the systems as we have taught you for trading the indices for one entire year. If you have not made a profit in one year, we will happily refund your money upon request.

A Personal Message From TradingMarkets Professional Swing Trading College

Dear Fellow Trader:

Model-driven systematic trading is one of the fastest growing and innovative areas amongst hedge funds and large trading firms. And now, through The TradingMarkets Professional Swing Trading College you will learn how to apply systematic trading to your portfolio on a professional basis.

We are proud to be able to offer you a program that teaches you systematic methodologies that allow you to achieve a high percentage of winning trades while at the same time minimizing human error and guesswork from your trading. We call these methodologies The CORE.

In our program, we will teach you how to apply The CORE to trade the SPYs, QQQQs, individual stocks, and options by only using clearly-defined rules. You are not required to interpret patterns of any kind. You will simply become a pure model-driven trader who systematically trades without emotion in the same manner that many of the world’s most successful Wall Street institutions trade.

Our goal is that by the end of your 7 sessions. You will be able to achieve high percentages of winning trades and high profit factors so that you can experience long-term success as a trader.

And you will learn how to do this from a seasoned professional trader, Steven Primo. Steve runs a successful private investment partnership and was previously a 9-year Specialist on the Pacific Stock Exchange for Donaldson Lufkin and Jenrette, Inc.

How TradingMarkets Professional Swing Trading College Will Teach And Train You To Succeed At Swing Trading

What does it take to succeed at swing trading? In order for you to succeed at swing trading, you must have a structured plan which takes advantage of the times where the market has shown historical edges. THE MAJORITY OF THE TIME THERE IS LITTLE TO NO EDGE. Most traders get hurt when they trade during the times that there is no edge.

Over the entire seven sessions, we will teach you multiple ways to wait for the edges and then act on those edges. And, we will teach you how to identify those times using statistical evidence to guide us. Even though there is no guarantee that any of these past simulated edges will exist in the future, you will see a common theme throughout The CORE Methodology which we believe gets inside the heart of the times where a 3 day to 2 week edge exists. Model-driven trading is one of the fastest growing areas amongst hedge funds and large trading firms. And now, through The TradingMarkets Professional Swing Trading College, you will learn how to apply model-driven trading to your portfolio on a professional basis.

Here Is What You Will Receive From The TradingMarkets Professional Swing Trading College

You will spend 7 sessions with professional trader Steve Primo learning The CORE through multimedia workshops. Every trading day he’ll meet with you before the market opens to lay out for you the plan for the day. And during each session, delivered via a multimedia Internet workshop, he will teach you, piece by piece, The CORE for trading the major indices, high-quality stocks and options. You will see Steve, hear him and be able to ask him questions via email as he teaches you the method. Now, lets break down The College into its components.

Daily Pre-Market Briefings

Listen to Steve as he provided traders with a structured plan of attack so that during the course of the day, you will know exactly what to do, no matter what happened in the market. He’ll also alert you of CORE trades that were setting up in stocks, SPYs, QQQQs and options. During these sessions, Steve commented on market conditions and how they may affect your trading. And he will review current open trade positions. All of these Pre-Market Briefings will be recorded so that, if you cannot attend them, you will be able to listen to and learn from them at a time that is convenient for you.

Real Money Account Trading

Watch as Steve put all the pieces together right in front of you as he actually traded the method with a real money trading account. You will be able to watch him through an online portfolio which displays entries and exits for every position traded together with a daily P&L.;

You also will receive a detailed 200+ page CORE Strategy Compilation, sent via PDF, to reinforce and deepen your understanding. This detailed Strategy Compilation provides you with the same full explanation of every method that you will receive through our Internet workshops. It includes the complete rules, trade examples and performance statistics.

What You Will Learn In Each Of Our 7 Training Sessions…

Let’s now go deeper into how we will work together during the individual sessions in our 7-session course.

  1. System Logic. — We will introduce each method by explaining what it does and how it works. Through chart examples, you’ll get a good feel for the kinds of signals each method generates.
  2. Performance Statistics. — We’ll go over the performance of each method and give you an in-depth overview of each method’s winning percentages, profit factors, trade duration, trade frequency and performance in different market environments.
  3. Method Rules. — There are a small number of rules for each method, and we will not only teach each of them to you, we will also explain the important role that each rule plays in potentially maximizing your profits.

The TradingMarkets Professional Swing Trading College Course Schedule 

CORE Foundation Knowledge

Model-Driven Systematic Trading Strategies And Methods

For Indices, SPYs, QQQQs, And E-minis

Session 1 The Path To Becoming A Successful Swing Trader

The CORE Overview — First, we’ll lay down a foundation of essential knowledge you need to know about how the markets work. Come with an open mind, as you learn concepts which may differ from “conventional wisdom.” From there, we’ll build upon this knowledge to help you get the best results when you’re trading The CORE. Here’s what we’ll cover in this first session:

  1. Which is better…model-driven trading or discretionary trading? — In this section, we’ll show you how a good trading method can eliminate the many years you’d have to spend learning discretionary strategies (which require you to learn subjectively and interpret patterns or data).
  2. What is The CORE discovery and how can it improve your trading? — In this section, we will explain what The CORE is, give you some background on why it works and then walk you through chart examples that clearly show you how the method captures rapid reversals in high-quality stocks in different market environments.
  3. The academic evidence of price behavior predictors. — We will provide you with a brief (and understandable) overview of the academic studies and mathematic theories that back The CORE Method.
  4. Brokers and order placement — CORE orders can be placed either at the open or near the close. While order placement is simple, there are often hidden expenses that most traders are unaware of which your broker may not be telling you about. We will provide you with some criteria you can use in order to make sure that your broker is working for you (and not against you) in maximizing your weekly, monthly and yearly returns.

Next, we’ll teach you the first system of our 7-session course.

The CORE R3 Method — Over a 10-year period of simulated trading, this systematic trading method achieved the following:

  • Has been 87.84% correct on the long side on the S&P; 500.
  • Has had a Profit Factor of 9.18 on the long side (anything above 2.0 is considered outstanding).
  • Had as many as 23 consecutive winning trades…while having no more than 2 consecutive losing trades
  • Has captured over 1500 S&P; and over 3400 Nasdaq 100 points

In my past 26 years as a trader, both on the floor as a specialist and as head of my own firm, I have not seen any non-optimized and non-curve fitted system in the world that has ever achieved results like this (except for other methods taught in my 7-Session Course).

Session 2 The CORE RSI 20 Method, and the RSI 1% Method for the SPYs and the QQQQs

In Session Two, I will teach you the complete rules of The Core RSI 20 Method, and The RSI 1% Method to trade the SPYs, QQQQs, and the SMHs.

Each of these methods has over a decade of performance behind it and each has high profit factors along with signals which have averaged 75-82% correct. Plus, as with all the methods, you will be given the software which will automatically identify the signals for you each day at the close.

Model-Driven Systematic Trading

Strategies And Methods For Equities

Sessions 3 & 4 The CORE R4 Method for Equity Swing Trading

In Sessions Three and Four, we’ll expand into systematically swing trading equities. During these two weeks, you will learn the R4 Method for trading stocks.

Special focus will be on the Nasdaq these two weeks as we look to trade portfolios which give us the potential for greater gains. Using this system in the current Nasdaq 100, 94 out of the 100 stocks have shown a net profit from 1995 to 2004 in simulated trading.

The signals have been correct approximately 81% of the time in thousands of simulated trades and profit factors are as high as 34.88!

Session 5 The CORE RS2/DW System

In Session Five we will teach you The RS2/DW System created by MIT graduate and professional trader, David Weilmuenster. The RS2/DW System is another strong system to trade the SPY’s and any derivative of the S&P; 500.

Session 6 The CORE 4/10/60 Method

In Session Six, we will teach you The CORE 4/10/60 Method. This simple-to-understand method has been tested on the stocks in the S&P; 100 going back 16 years to 1989. With over 1000 simulated trades, the signals have been profitable approximately 70% of the time and the average gain of these stocks has been nearly 5 times greater than the average gain of the average S&P; 100 stock over the same holding period.

You will learn how to identify these stocks, when to buy, when to sell, position size, stop placement and more.

Model-Driven Systematic Trading Strategy For Options

Session 7 The CORE 20/30/40 Method For Option Traders

To round out your education in systematic trading, we will teach you the 20/30/40 Method for Options in Session Seven.

This system has seen numerous triple digit returns in the underlying stocks over the past 16 years. And, its average gain has been over 36% per trade from buy to sell. Using long term options (LEAPs) you will learn how to systematically trade options, especially those that have the potential for large outsized gains.

Special Bonus Session

Session 8 TM R4 Method For Aggressive Swing Trading

In this Special Bonus Session, we’ll take the R4 Method a much higher level by incorporating filters, moving averages in order to provide you with even higher probability setups.

Putting The CORE Together

Session 9 Special Three-Hour Session: Putting Your Portfolio Together

In Session Nine, we will show you the best way to trade the CORE methods as one cohesive unit. You will not only benefit from the research that Connors Research Group has done on how these are best used, but also from Steve’s own experience as a professional trader and money manager. We are planning to make this a very comprehensive seminar which will provide you with a long-range edge with our The CORE methods as well as any other trading methods you current use. Here are topics that we will cover:

  1. How to maximize your returns by minimizing your expenses. — There are very few guarantees that can be made in this business. But one thing that can be guaranteed is that lower expenses mean greater returns for you at the end of the year. In this session, we will teach you ways to lower your expenses…a few of which only a few top professional traders know and use.
  2. The best way to manage your money when using multiple methods. — We will teach you how to achieve superior performance by ensuring that you have strict control over position sizes, intraday risk, overnight risk, and sector exposure. You will learn what to do when you see signals from multiple methods, how to make adjustments based upon correlated system exposure, the intelligent use of stops, and much, much more.

Session 10 Special Three-Hour Session: How To Structure Your Trading Like A Business

Are you absolutely, unequivocally driven to become a profitable and successful trader? It doesn’t matter whether you want to trade part-time or venture into full-time trading…one of the most intelligent and essential steps you can take is to structure your trading as a business. We will show you exactly how to do this during Session 10.

You will learn:

  • How the right business plan can help you become a more profitable trader. — Some traders do not take the business of trading seriously and just focus on trading. They fall prey to the assumption that gross profits will take care of everything. But Steve will show you how this mentality can cut into your profits and the specific and immediate steps you can take to apply business principles to trading and maximize your returns.
  • How to construct an integrated business plan that is designed for traders. — We will give you a ready-made and easily customizable business plan template and checklist that enables you to control every cost and in some cases eliminate the “edge-eaters” that impact your profitability such as brokerage commissions, bad fills, data feeds, office rent, software, taxes and hardware. You’ll also learn how much money is needed in order to get started and what you need to do to cover your living expenses.
  • Setting specific target-driven goals. –Where do you want to be in your trading one year from now? Once your trading business is set up, you’ll be ready to take it to the next level and position yourself for steady growth of your trading business for years to come. And to ensure that you are capable of accomplishing this, we will work with you to set your specific goals and plan out how our 7 sessions together in this course can get you there.
  • Trading part-time vs. trading full-time. — The CORE methods are structured so that they can be traded successfully part- or full-time. In this section, Steve will provide you with his own insights on how he made the transition from part- to full-time trader and money manager.


Sessions 11 – 14 Real Account Trading With Steve Primo

For the final part of the college, you’ll continue to watch Steve trade on a daily basis.

During the final sessions, Steve will go deeper into individual trade sequences so that you will get a true sense of what it is like to trade these methods on your own, whether you decide to trade them part-time or full-time.

Here is a summary of what you will receive:

  • 7 sessions of professional training in which you learn The CORE trading methods, which are high-probability statistically backed model driven methods for swing trading the SPYs, QQQQs, E-minis, individual high-quality stocks and options.
  • Teaching by Steve Primo, a seasoned professional trader and money manager.
  • Every trading day meet with Steve in a recorded training meeting before the market opens and receive alerts on trades that may be setting up, review open positions and…most importantly…receive a structured plan of attack for the upcoming trading day.
  • Learning through recorded trading sessions in which you will not only be trained in all of the rules for each methodology and walk through numerous examples, you will also be able to watch us trade The CORE methods in a real trading account.
  • Complete rules and logic for all The CORE Methods:
  • The CORE R4 Method for Equity Swing Trading. Using this system in the current Nasdaq 100, 94 out of the 100 stocks have shown a net profit from 1995 to 2004 in simulated trading.
  • The CORE RS2/DW System. This system, created by MIT graduate and professional trader, David Weilmuenster is another strong system to trade the SPY’s and any derivative of the S&P; 500
  • The CORE 4/10/60 Method for trading equities. With over 1000 simulated trades, the signals have been profitable approximately 70% of the time and the average gain of these stocks has been nearly 5 times greater than the average gain of the average S&P; 100 stock over the same holding period.
  • The CORE R4 Method For Aggressive Equity Swing Trading. This methodology has achieved some of the highest profit factors and percentages correct of any system published for swing trading stocks.
  • The CORE 20/30/40 Method For Option Traders. This system has seen numerous triple digit returns in the underlying stocks over the past 16 years. And, its average gain has been over 36% per trade from buy to sell. Using long term options (LEAPs) you will learn how to systematically trade options, especially those that have the potential for large outsized gains.

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