
Total Enlightenment Coaching – 100 Percent Power



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Total Enlightenment Coaching – 100 Percent Power

Did you know that the number one reason for depression, burnout and lack of happiness and inner peace in our world today is people not owning their power? The secret to happiness and inner peace is so simple, yet most people can’t see it, and so they lead a life of quiet desperation and frustration, wondering how to attain the inner peace and live the fulfilling life they so deeply desire.

weltkarte, world mapNo matter whether you are a rocket scientist or work at the grocery store, no matter whether you are a ripe 100 years of age or a young 10 years, no matter where in the world you live, what language you speak or what you believe in – every single one of the seven billion people living in our world today needs it:

fade-leftfade-rightpersonal power

The Spiritual path begins with you claiming your personal power. The moment you fully step into your power, a whole new world opens up before your very eyes. Are you ready to take your life to the next level? Then read on …

Before I get into what owning our power is all about and what it will do for you, let’s look at a few scenarios:
What is power? The word “power” comes from the Old-French “povoir” and, etymologically speaking, literally means “to be able, ability to act.” So power enables us to act. It enables us to do things, to move things, to change our whole life! One of the most powerful prayers and invocations in the world is The Great Invocation. It ends with the words: Let light and love and power restore the Plan on Earth. So, power allows us to do nothing less than restoring the Divine Plan on Earth. The Divine Plan is for all of us to return Home, for all of us to return our minds and consciousness to oneness and unconditional love.
You know you are destined and called to live a beautiful, empowered life but you feel disempowered and you don’t really know what power is or where you are supposed to go to get it.

You want to be in a super loving relationship and be a superstar at work but you are not owning your power, giving it away to your thoughts, your feelings, your fears, yes, to all the world and his wife! So you are being victimized by your own energies, having unfulfilled relationships and an unsuccessful career as a result.

You just want deep inner peace, joy and happiness in a world that seems to have gone mad but fear is holding you back, the subliminal fear to fully step into your power and own it in service of unconditional love.
Any of this sound familiar?
If it does, then you are in the right place.

DruckYou see, most of us have been programmed, since an early age, to give our power away. We give it away to outer energies, such as other people, the media, the weather and the news, and we give it away to inner energies, such as our negative ego/separative mind, lower self, inner child, emotions and fears.

Pretty much everyone gives their power away – and it is really no one’s fault because we all, collectively as a human race speaking, deny our Divinity which is the Source of all power. So, as you will learn in this integrated and balanced coaching and training course, to step into your power means to step into your Divinity. You cannot separate the two from one another.

So here is the good news!
You can step out of the illusion of powerlessness and step into the truth of your power RIGHT NOW by following the simple but powerful strategies laid out in this new enlightening coaching course.
You see, it is really simple: No power, no self-mastery. No power, no self-growth. No power, no inner peace. No power, no joy. No power, no energy. No power, no fulfillment. No power, no enlightenment. No power, no Self Realization. No power, no nothing! Lots of power, lots of everything! Lots of power, lots of love. Lots of power, lots of happiness. Lots of power, lots of inner peace. Lots of power, lots of joy. Lots of power, lots of fulfillment, self-mastery, abundance and bliss.
Introducing: 100 Percent Power: Total Empowerment in 40 Days or Less
Now, you may ask yourself: What does claiming and owning my personal power do for me? Why should I strive for empowerment?
Well, let me give you a few compelling reasons why you absolutely have to learn this lesson of claiming and owning your power:


num1Blume des Lebens Isoliert – Gold Weiß 3D KugelClaiming your power is the first lesson on the Spiritual path. Learn to own your personal power, and you will learn every other lesson in life. Don’t learn this first lesson, and you won’t learn any other lesson either because you need to enforce your will power to create change in your life.

num2Everyone in the world experiences fear, and in order to transcend the illusionary, separative, fear-based mind, you need to enforce your will power! Said another way: If you don’t learn this lesson of claiming and owning your power, you will life in fear for the rest of your life. Life is way too precious to waste it on fear! You will never experience deep inner peace and happiness unless you learn to own your power. Yet isn’t that exactly what you want? Inner peace and happiness?

num3All growth and success in life begins with you claiming your personal power! No power, no growth! It’s that simple! The very purpose of life is not just to go through life but to grow through life, so you can’t fulfill the purpose of your life – your dharma, your calling – if you don’t learn to step into your power. And so long as you deny your Soul’s calling, you will be unhappy and unfulfilled. True happiness comes from doing the work you are called to do.

num4If you don’t learn to own your power, you will not be able to master your mind, your feelings and emotions, your physical body, or transcend any lower self desires, bad habits and addictions which you live out through your body. Said another way: If you don’t learn to claim your power, you will be a victim in life. If you DO learn to own it, you will be a master in life. Which would you rather be: a victim or a master? Run by your bodies or in charge of your bodies?

num5We will never ever – not in a million trillion years – realize our Divinity unless we learn to claim our power. To deny our power is to deny our Divinity. Our power comes from our Divinity! So our very Self and God Realization depends on all of us claiming our power in service of unconditional love. So sooner or later, we all have to learn this lesson of claiming our power. We can postpone it, but we can’t escape it. It is our destiny. So why postpone the inevitable?

num6Our job, as a species, is to advance humanity and create Heaven on Earth. Have you ever seen disempowered people advance, grow or create anything other than fear and separation? It takes empowered people to do that – empowered people like YOU!

let me help you learn this lesson so you may become the most empowered person you know.
In this comprehensive, nine-hour coaching and training course, I share with you 40 powerful and effective strategies to step into your new empowered you. Here is just a taste of what this coaching course entails. You will learn:
what the ultimate self-empowerment tool is,
how to use mistakes as stimulants to empower yourself,
how to set up an efficient system of reminders to keep on track,
how to create a powerful vision of an empowered you and step into that vision,
how to grow your power by day and by night,
how to program your consciousness with a very unique alpha brain frequency reprogramming technique,
who to use as your perfect role model,
how to get help from out of this world,
the x-factor to total empowerment,
how to develop staying power and why,
how to work with very specific, proven power tools to reach your power goals,
how to properly work with affirmations so they actually work,

In short, you will learn everything you need to dramatically improve your level of personal power and empowerment so you may become the most empowered person you know!
how to tap into an infinite reservoir of power so you never run dry again and never have to engage in power battles anymore (attempting to get power by this way),
how to keep yourself motivated to stay in your power,
how to hire the most qualified personal power coach in the universe – for free,
the rocket ship method to empowerment,
how to feel fully empowered within just a few minutes of doing something very simple,
how to grow through your obstacles and limitations with total joy and excitement,
how to grow your personal power 100% in 100 days,
how to adopt the proper attitude and philosophy necessary to succeed in your endeavor to step into your power,
why you absolutely have to learn this lesson of owning your power and how to develop a super strong why to propel yourself forward,
why it is crucial you make a decisive decision about stepping into your power and how to accomplish that,
how to quadruple your commitment to guarantee success,
how to use your power properly and avoid the trap of misusing your power inappropriately,
what exactly it is we give our power away to and why,
how to release all the blocks and fears that stand between you and you owning your power right now,
how to prepare yourself for setbacks to make sure you follow through until you succeed,
how to strengthen your will power and develop an indomitable will,
how to stay focused and motivated on your power goals,
why to go for power workouts and power walks,
how to develop an efficient power routine,
why creative visualizations are called “creative visualizations” and how you can use them to your benefit,
how to develop a power routine, and much more…

Here is what this coaching course entails in more detail:

9 Hours of HD Video

This coaching course consists of about 45 videos, each video running about 10 to 15 minutes. So the videos are short enough for you to pack them into your daily schedule.

Bonus 1

Two intuitive introductions on the subject of power. What is power? Where does power come from? Why do we have to enforce our will power to master our bodies? How and why can our bodies overpower us if we don’t enforce our will power? Why do we all feel so powerless in the first place? What does power have to do with the Seven Rays? What are we supposed to use our power for anyway? What does power do for us from a higher perspective? I will answer these questions and more to give you a more intuitive answer to some of your articulated or unspoken questions that you may have on your mind or carry in your heart. So, in essence, we will look at the purpose of power from a bigger, evolutionary picture that you will most likely never have heard before and which is guaranteed to expand your understanding not just of power, but of life and planetary evolution. (Video)

Bonus 2

120-page Action Guide with practical action steps and strategies for you to implement the coaching (PDF) Value: €25
Bonus 3

Professionally produced Meditation to Connect with the Source of Power (Audio) Value: €15
Bonus 4

Professionally produced Personal Power Creative Visualization (Audio) Value: €15

Bonus 5

Professionally produced recording of The Great Invocation in four different versions (Audio) Value: €15

Bonus 6

Brand new, never-before-released, professionally produced Personal Power Declarations in four different creative versions (Audio) Value: €25

Bonus 7

Personal Power Declarations (PDF) Value: €15

Bonus 8

I AM POWERFUL Classical Mantra (Audio) Value: €10

Bonus 9

Every Day, in Every Way, I am Becoming More and More Powerful Autosuggestion (Audio) Value: €10

Bonus 10

Brand-new, never-before-released, professionaly produced Creative Power Jam (Audio) Value: €25

Bonus 11

Identification – Disidentification Meditation Exercise (Audio) Value: €10

Bonus 12

Three Empowering Articles on How to Step into your Personal Power by Dr Joshua David Stone Value: €25
It’s about time that you reclaim your power and live the beautiful life your Creator envisioned you to live. We all have come into this world to co-create an enlightened humanity and enable the Divine Plan of the universe to unfold. If you don’t play your part, then the whole Divine Plan cannot unfold. This is how important you are! This is how important a part you play in the bigger scheme of the universe. So it is not only crucial that you learn to step into your power for your own well-being, self-mastery, happiness and inner peace, but it is also your duty to fully step into your power and Divinity to allow the Divine Purpose of the universe to unfold. You have a mighty dharma to fulfill. However, you cannot fulfill your Divine calling if you don’t own your power. To deny your power means to deny your Divinity!

isolated lotusGive yourself the gift of empowerment and enroll in this coaching course NOW.

Look at it not as a cost but as an investment in yourself. The growth you gain from the implementation of the coaching will be yours for the rest of your life. So as you invest your time and energy and resources, know that you can expect a great return IF you implement the coaching and do the enclosed exercises.

Now, what’s the return?
An overwhelming sense of inner peace and joy that empowers you from the inside out.

Boundless energy that pushes you on to break through any and all barriers and limitations.

An unshakable connection to The Source of All Power that yields your personal power.

Boundless energy that pushes you on to break through any and all barriers and limitations.

An unshakable connection to The Source of All Power that yields your personal power.

Rocket-ship-like Spiritual growth as all growth begins with you claiming your personal power.

A strong sense of fulfillment that comes from your new-found ability to enforce your personal power in your business, career, relationships and life.
If that is what you want, give yourself the wonderful gift of empowerment and sign up now. It would be my great honor and joy to serve you in this capacity.
Let me close with the words of Martin Luther King Jr.: Power properly understood is nothing but the ability to achieve purpose. It is the strength required to bring about social, political and economic change.

The only thing I would like to add here is that owning your power in service of love also endows you with the ability to bring about beautiful and inspiring change in every aspect of your personal life as well.

To your power,


PS: Fully stepping into your power and owning it fearlessly in service of unconditional love will be the greatest gift you will ever give yourself and the world. What are you waiting for? As Mother Teresa said so beautifully, “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”

Are you ready to step into your power?
Then go ahead and enroll into this training course now.

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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – The Rebel Within – Success Tips

With twelve 250-400 word professionally crafted ‘mini’ articles, your clients will get tools and strategies they need to send as weekly success tips, use as blog posts, or short articles in your newsletter.

Here’s an example of a success tip that comes in your package:

Keep Moving Forward

The world is splitting apart, and young Eep is running toward a new, adventurous life. Every step she takes is perilous and fraught with danger as the earth crumbles all around her. Behind her is the dark cave she’s always called home. Ahead of her is tropical beach that’s just out of reach. Her father shouts, “Don’t go! It’s too dangerous! Listen to your fears!” Meanwhile her new friend, Guy, runs alongside her, telling her, “Keep going. I believe in you. You can do this.”

This, of course, simply paraphrases a scene from the children’s movie “The Croods,” but it holds profound truth for us all.

Inside your mind lives the voice of a protective authority figure who wants you to play it safe. You also have an adventurous champion who wants you to go for it. The difference between your life in a dark, musty cave and your life in a lush island paradise is your willingness to keep moving forward.

  1. Choose To Be Successful – Whatever dream you want to pursue, you have to choose it first. Recognize that you have a choice in all things, and choose the option that feels the most like success…then pour every ounce of energy you have into it.
  2. Take Bold Action – Just go. Start running. Move boldly in the direction of your dreams, whatever that means to you. Stop preparing…just start, and you can course-correct along the way.
  3. Turn A Deaf Ear to Discouragement – Family and friends are great at providing you with unneeded, discouraging advice. They have many reasons why your vision is foolish, and they will rattle off a list of your shortcomings if you let them. Don’t let them. Don’t listen. Stay focused on your goal.

You are capable of achieving massive success, regardless of your background. You could even find yourself living in paradise. In order to do so, though, you must overpower your inner critic and keep moving forward. I promise, the rewards far outweigh the risks.

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    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
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    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

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