Justin Marc-Daygame Mastery – Mastery Package download,Justin Marc-Daygame Mastery – Mastery Package review,Justin Marc-Daygame Mastery – Mastery Package free
Justin Marc-Daygame Mastery – Mastery Package
Welcome to
Daygame Mastery
MASTER Approaching & Pulling Women, ANYTIME, ANY PLACE
If you’ve ever felt…
- Are you frustrated going out each and every day, just to find yourself going back home all alone leaving you with a sad feeling and demotivated state at the end of each day…
- Has it become troubling to create an optimistic framework in your life, because every time you put in the effort to try, there’s always something bringing you back down…
- Feeling uncertain about what to do when you are around a beautiful woman, what to say, or how to say it…
- Exhausted by constant negativity and the unsatisfactory sensation of feeling like you’re not good enough- and it seems to be following you wherever you go, or regardless of what you do…
- Looking at yourself and reflecting on your life, thinking as to when life is going to change.. wondering when you are going to transform and finally get the amazing results like you’ve always wanted it to be.
If you are reading this, and any of this applies to you –
Daygame Mastery Will Show You…
How to Always Have a Good Day
- No matter which way your day goes, you’ll always learn how to take a hot girl home.
- Figure out the root cause and mindsets that screw up your approach so you can GET RID of them from YOUR LIFE!
- Learn how to become the GOD of your own reality, become desensitized to all bad influences and be at the complete cause of your life.
Develop Rock-Solid Inner Confidence
- Learn how to unplug yourself from social conditioning and get your social skills on track FOREVER.
- Destroy all limiting believes within yourself and pass through the success barriers that have stopped YOU from growing.
- Develop incredibly deep self-esteem, positive vibes, and strong character – allowing yourself to always be your BEST SELF.
How to Talk Forever And Ever
- Master the “million dollar mouthpiece”, as a powerful tool and develop the ability to bring girls into YOUR REALITY.
- Master your communication skills so that no matter where you go, you’ll have SOCIAL DOMINANCE whether in your career or even just out with friends.
- Develop the humor and confidence to have crazy conversations that will have the girl rolling with laughter straight into your bed.
How to Become Infectiously Positive.
- Have people magnetically drawn to you as if you were a CELEBRITY.
- Develop a vibe that just attracts people towards you and makes people want to be around you because you bring out their BEST SELF.
- Make beautiful women feel like YOU are the only man they see. Women will find you attractive, confident, and they will always try to ditch their friends just to be around you.
How to Transform Into Your HIGHER SELF
- Let go of the past, let go of who you think you are, and start accomplishing EVERYTHING you ever dreamed of.
- You will reach the TOP of what your goals are once you squash the past belief systems and you’ll also let go of the traumas that hold you back on your journey to achievement.
- Master the tips and tricks I discovered over the last ten years that will TELEPORT you to another universe of success and accomplishments.
Daygame Mastery is created to leave you full of actionable knowledge, high-level tools techniques that are going to leave your mind boggled!
Daygame Mastery delivers on every promise that we have ever made.
Not just that, but all of the strategies, methods, and frameworks inside Daygame Mastery have been tested over and over and shown to work.
These philosophies have already changed the lives of countless men that have taken the time, effort, and energy to invest in themselves, learn, and practice this material.
Consider this:
For over a decade, we have transformed men from the depths of horrible social anxiety and launched them upwards into a world of power, charisma, and attractiveness – letting them in the drivers seat and meet the beautiful woman of their dreams.
And this…
We have scoured the planet to uncover the truths of dating which have been unknown and lost to time. With these principles at your fingertips, you will be able to achieve success beyond your wildest dreams.
We have trained thousands of students across 50+ countries on planet Earth, and we’ve seen countless problems, sticking points, and false beliefs… and without once ever failing, we’re always able to get our students life-changing results.
Daygame Mastery has been created to allow you to MASTER the foundational skills of attraction:
Become Charismatic
Daygame Mastery will bring up your inner fears. It will show you hidden success barriers that are stopping you from success, and show you a transformational way to become permanently charismatic.
Become Confident
Daygame Mastery will allow you to unlock your inner power. As you dig through this course, you will find your power allowing you to grow…
you will overcome challenges that would have before ruined you, and you will find yourself killing it – forever and you will become so confident in yourself.
Become Powerful
With Daygame Mastery you will develop a newfound inner power. You will start succeeding in parts of your life that you never thought was possible. After mastering this curriculum, you will find yourself overcoming situations in all areas of your life, without any hesitation.
Meeting women will become so easy, you will never think about it again!
Become Indestructable
Daygame Mastery will lead you to be indestructible with the skills you’ll learn and allow you to leave a legacy in this world. We will completely transform the path of your future, change your destiny and get you back on the road to success. Your results will be INSANE!
Become Inspirational
Once you’ve finished Daygame Mastery, you will become INSPIRATIONAL. Whatever you set out to achieve, you will achieve it – whether this is dating hotter women, making more money, or finding your purpose in this world. You will inspire others with your success.
Daygame Mastery is a masterpiece, I can’t believe how much value is inside.. the sheer amount of value is insane.. can’t believe you guys fit so much into this course
Daygame Mastery is a one-step-at-a-time, map for your success with dating, strategically created to help you attract high-quality women, backed up by a motivated world-wide community of men, focused on taking massive action, positive thinking, and high level results
Daygame Mastery has everything you need in order to level up your game.
Everything from…
- The Core Curriculum
- Infield Challenges
- Video Lay Report Breakdowns
- Social Circle Game Lifestyle Challenges
- Bootcamp Student Infield Training Footage
- Nightgame Mastery
- Social Media and Text Game Tutorials
- Infield Pull & Close Audios
- Banned YouTube Videos
- Bedroom Mastery
- And much, much more…
That means, you literally get a decade’s worth of knowledge and experience in ONE course!
Daygame Mastery is literally life-changing content, plus…
Daygame Mastery is an INTENSIVE BARRAGE of uncut, unfiltered, and raw dating TRUTHS.
Daygame Mastery is PACKED TO THE BRIM with the most epiphany-inducing, thought-changing, and reality-shattering infield and video lay report breakdowns that you have ever seen.
Daygame Mastery is PACKED FULL of infield examples that will wake you up out of social conditioning, and INSPIRE YOU to CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
Before we break down how INCREDIBLY POWERFUL Daygame Mastery is, you might be wondering…
“How Is This Course Different?”
To truly understand how Daygame Mastery is different, we’re going to go back to the roots.
I began my journey of seduction success at the ripe age of 16.
Despite many hurdles along the way, I learned to Looksmax and charm my way to success with learning PUA.
A bit of a prodigy, I was soon employed as a VIP nightclub promoter, where I proceeded to pull girls and f*ck them in the VIP bathroom. I was promptly fired for being too savage.
A few years ago: I was a shy guy, with a serious lack of friends, scrawny, lonely, and extremely unsatisfied with life.
I used to come home from school every day rationalizing why things were the way they were.
“That guy gets all the girls because he’s good looking”
“That guy really fit because of his genetics”
I felt like shit as I was cleaning the bathroom at the Mexican restaurant I worked at. I figured that my life was the way it was meant to be and nothing can change that.
My excuses got the best of me and the only way I could escape my mental prison was by isolating myself, playing video games, and drinking alcohol to cope with my crippling social anxiety.
I was a shy, scrawny virgin loser with no friends working at a dead-end job and miserable in life.
But guess what, I’m no longer the same person.
As I’m writing this, I’m sitting on a couch in a tropical paradise on the other side of the world. I’m writing this from a place inside myself of true confidence in who I am.
You might be wondering what changed? I did.
I decided I don’t want to be the same person anymore. So I killed myself.
The person that I was, literally died, and I became a different person.
I realized that the person I was is exactly not whom I deserved to be. I couldn’t change because I didn’t think it was possible.
It all started when I started to push myself in little everyday things.
Instead of living my routine life, I leveraged my emotions to do things a little bit differently.
Should I walk the same route to school or work? No, I’m going to go another way instead.
Then I started speaking whatever was on my mind, no matter what it was about or with whom I was speaking to.
Why did I do all this? Because why not. Then my friend told me to come hit the gym with him. At first, it was hard not to make excuses in life but as I saw results, my confidence did too.
As my confidence grew, I didn’t need to drink anymore to deal with my social anxiety. I was able to go out to parties or clubs and make friends while I was sober.
I then started going out every day with the sole purpose to push my comfort zone, to meet new and amazing people, and fully experience life!
The beautiful thing is when you’re successful in one area of life, it bleeds into the rest of your life.
I transformed into something I never thought would have been possible, into…
A cool guy, with tons of friends, who was dating multiple models.
Now I’m sitting in on the other end of the world reflecting on the amazing and crazy year I’ve had. My business is successful, I’ve helped a lot of my clients achieve their goals, I’ve met some of the most amazing people, and I achieved the ability to connect with many people on a very deep level.
I’ve traveled, made money, tons of friends, gotten my health handled, learned a ton, and truly found happiness within myself. I don’t think many people can say they are truly ever happy in life, but I found it within myself because I am happy with the person I have become.
The point I’m trying to get at is if your life is not where you want to be, just kill the parts of yourself that you don’t like.
Destroy your old self-identity. Get rid of the old you by creating a new you. Gain confidence in who you are as a person. And literally, restart your life. It won’t be easy. You’ll make a lot of mistakes. You’ll go through a lot of emotional pains. But that’s how you’ll learn. When you learn, you become successful. When you become successful in one area of your life, you’re confident. And when you have confidence, you can achieve anything.
The fact that you’re on this page means you’re not satisfied, you’re tired of not having the results you want, tired of knowing that you could be so much more.
I was born again, and if I can do it so can you.
Now that I had transformed myself, I decided to help transform the lives of countless men all around the world
And every single person that I coached walked away changed… transformed… evolved.
Here’s how Daygame Mastery works:
We provide you with the revolutionary concepts that we have in our Core Curriculum that includes everything from busting Daygame Myths, Mindsets, Inner Game, The Pillars Of Communication, Overcoming Approach Anxiety, Hooking, Pulling, Closing, and Special Bonus Videos. This also includes countless Infields videos which we reveal to you in high-definition so that you can see EVERY DETAIL of the interaction. This is guaranteed to be the most INSANE dating content you have ever seen in your life.
Then, every little nuance is broken down in intense detail, every module, every social interaction, every challenge, every close, and we give you the road map to success.
Then, we take all the fundamentals of Daygame Mastery, and we project them into the most epiphany-inducing, intensive transitional concepts and infield challenges that only exist here and nowhere else on this planet. If seeing is believing, then doing is becoming.
The content that is responsible for massive dating success with gorgeous women will be IMPLANTED into your subconscious brain so deeply, you will walk away feeling like you just had a brain transplant.
But wait, there’s more…
We took the core concepts of our Infield Bootcamp Training Programs and we captured the fundamentals, broke it down into the concepts here in Daygame Mastery. Daygame Mastery is the equivalent of doing a Bootcamp at the comfort of your home!
We took all of the epiphany-inducing lessons and learning experiences, and we put it into a life-changing, at-home version that you can learn from anywhere in the world.
It wasn’t easy, but we created a true masterpiece:
Daygame Mastery consists of FOUR tiers:
The Essentials includes:
-NUT – Efficient Dating for Men
-The Core Curriculum with 86+ videos
-The Wingman Locator
The Advanced Tier includes:
– Everything from ESSENTIALS
– Infield Footage (compilations of the best infield videos)
– Text Game & Social Media Module video tutorials
– Bonus: NightGame Mastery
The Elite Tier includes:
-Everything from ADVANCED
-Student Infields
-80 minute Social Circle Mastery Manifesto
-6 Social Circle Game Lifestyle Challenge videos
-Girlfriend Game Manifesto
– Never before seen NOTES & Field Reports from Justin’s Journal
The Mastery tier includes:
-Everything from ELITE
-10 Infield Video Lay Report Breakdowns
-Infield Pull Audios
-ENTIRE BANNED/DISCONTINUED Natural Transformations course
-Banned infields that can’t be on YouTube
-You can also get a chance to win a full day with Justin Marc at his Toronto Penthouse!
-Bedroom Mastery
Introducing: Daygame Mastery
Daygame Mastery isn’t a “shortcut” to success.
“It’s a Magic Portal to a NEW Lifestyle”.
Daygame Mastery has ALL of the incredible content from Justin’s LIVE Bootcamps, plus…
Brand-New, cutting edge, Infield INSANITY!
You are going to witness the most CRAZY infield ever caught on camera. This is where you will see the gangster sh*t. The brain imploding, short Indian guy creating sex parties type of sh*t. The infield that you see on YouTube is NOTHING compared to what’s inside..
- Display the foundational core of body language, you will understand how to project a CALM and CHARISMATIC frame, so you can have your own vibe of godliness that grabs women’s attention before you even talk to them!
- Open your eyes to the subconscious behaviour, and body language that communicate to you when to step back, and when she wants you!
- Teach you how to have powerful networking, deep connections, solve problems, and close the deal. Most men have NO idea of how to deal with dating interactions.. when you see how it is done, you will always go for the close.
- Lock into the foundation of social skills… once you understand it all, you can change your GAME to take your dating to the next level!!
Daygame Mastery takes our #1 most-high level training program ever, and gives it to you within the comfort of your own home in an easy-to-understand, quick-to-absorb, highly-impactful training.
We have designed a curriculum that merges the best of our incredible Bootcamp Curriculum, Epiphany Inducing Infield Footage and Mind-Boggling Social Exercises into a single course that is GUARANTEED to CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Daygame Mastery covers every part of game imaginable with material and lessons for ANY EXPERIENCE LEVEL:
For the Beginner:
- Show you what a good game looks like, and what good dating looks like from the absolute best in the world, so you understand exactly what to aim for.
- Give you the discipline and charisma you must have in order to transform and maintain confidence in any situation. Give you the discipline and charisma you must have in order to transform and maintain confidence in any situation.
- Help you dig through all the misinformation of dating advice and shift your focus on the foundational areas of game that will allow you to KILL IT.
For the Intermediate:
- Get rid of any bad habits that you may have accidentally developed, replacing them with strategic systems, therefore mastering your game quicker than ever.
- Install in you the beliefs and practice that will stop “bad” nights and state crashes, guaranteeing that you are always able to talk to hotties.
- Point out those last few sticking points, which will lead you on the path out of your “intermediate purgatory” and into being a NATURAL.
For the Advanced:
- Show you what MASTERY GAME actually looks like, this will allow you to audit your current skill level, and start stepping it the fuck up.
- Daygame Mastery has been designed to take guys just like you from 0 to 100, no matter where you’re currently at…
so you will be able to become a TRUE MASTER
Here Is What You’ll Find Inside The ESSENTIALS Tier:
In the ESSENTIALS Tier, you will find the entire Core Curriculum of Daygame Mastery. This Curriculum consists of a 11 modules. They are:
We welcome you to Daygame mastery, this introduction isn’t just going to tell you what is Daygame all about but gives you that mental preparation for all upcoming learnings and challenges you’ll be put through. We will also be goal setting here because without that there isn’t going to be the drive for you to go for it and get the results you’ve always wanted!
Daygame Myths
Busting all the Daygame myths right at the start to clear all those confusions and get it over before we start learning the course.
The mindset plays a very important role because your frame of mind shows where you’re coming from which decides how the conversation goes so you’ll be learning the right kind of mindset to have while doing Daygame which not only gets you the women you’ve always wanted but also helps you to deal with rejections that happens while doing Game.
Inner Game
To have the mindset as we discussed earlier you first need to have
self-love and be healing yourself from all the traumas which is what the inner game is all about, loving yourself and letting go of the all baggage built over the years. This part will help you work on your inner game i.e self-improvement and self-healing process which is the most crucial of all.
4 Pillars of Communication
Communication works for those who work at it, we cannot stress more than this that communication is key during Game which is why we have the 4 pillars of communication, for you to understand, learn and implement, then you can notice the shift in your game giving you remarkable results you wouldn’t have imagined.
Overcoming Approach Anxiety
No matter how great your mindset is and how good of a communication skill set you obtain, if you can’t open a girl by approaching her it’s approach anxiety that is holding you back, it’s always going to happen which makes it kinda inevitable but here are a lot of tricks and tips we’ll be diving into to get over approach anxiety and implement it by starting to approaching girls you’ve always wanted.
Approaching & Hooking
After overcoming approach anxiety and approaching the next step for you is, to know how to open (like different ways to open), what to say, how to screen and demonstrate high value, knowing the hook points(be it both social and sexual), getting her to invest, getting physical, teasing and getting over the shit tests.
Pulling can be very tedious unless you are aware of strategies like pull triangle, statements of empathy and intent, screening logistics, deciding dates, and a lot more(which are available inside the course) making it so much easier for you to pull without even seeming like pushing your way in. Happy Pulling!
Deciding and setting up dates for the both of you, be it instant dates or within 2 days of your interaction with her only shows how decisive and leading of a man you are depicting the amount of clarity on her as to what you wanna do and where you wanna go makes her feel secure and kind of even turns her on. You will also be learning about best date locations, venue changing, being respectfully sexual, set up, seeding pull, and a lot more in-depth knowledge about all topics related to Dates. So see on the inside, call it a date?
Here you will be getting to know how to close by knowing the different tactics making you always be closing, how you’ve got to be persistent enough for getting a number or at least a social media handle of hers and setting up dates to close. With these tactics, you’ll be closing a hell of a lot more girls than you ever thought you could!
A lot of exclusive efficient bonus strategies and extra tricks are waiting for you to get your hands on them right now because it will truly be helpful
to scale up your game massively as well as help you develop a better personality within no time.
Infield Challenges
These infield challenges are surely going to make you think as well as get you to do a lot of activities that are going to put you to the test making sure that by the time you are done doing these infield challenges your whole perspective of doing game would have changed so much so that you will start putting yourself into a variety of different and difficult situations on purpose to use your infield skillset and overcome them by pulling and closing!
NUT Efficient Dating for Men by Justin Marc
The bible of modern pickup, this book covers everything you want to know about game. You won’t need to read anything else after this.
The Fundamentals
Get schooled in the principles that form to core of any theory on game: The abundance mindset, opening, approaching, hooking, rejection.
Inner Game
Develop yourself, raise the vibe, be authentic, use value arbitrage.
Getting the girls you want
Comfort, logistics, intent, pulling.
Beyond Pickup
Make her fall in love with you, or have an open relationship, or partake in orgies, or all of the above.
Get a Chance To Party With Justin
All students of Daygame Mastery get access to come to one of Justin’s VIP parties in Toronto
You are invited to come hang out with Justin and go to one of the craziest parties of your LIFE!
where you’ll not only meet hot girls and practice game with Justin himself
but also get to know a lot of people with whom you might share similar interests and build a network while having a lot of fun.
Doesn’t that sound AMAZING?
It is…
Wait until you are actually there to experience it yourself, see you soon!
Wingman Locator
Have you ever felt lonely doing cold-approach? Having nobody to share your ups and downs, your losses and wins?
If so, then you are at the right place…
With 300 cities worldwide comprising of Facebook and Telegram groups, the ‘Game Cities’ network is far bigger than any other PUA forum or network, including the former Pickup Inner Circle groups.
Connect with people from around the world and jump into the action. Meet other wingmen ANYWHERE in the world
so you can grow together, share experiences, and make the most of absolutely everything.
These groups are your personal local inner circle in your city, for everything game-related, such as going out, finding wingmen, or asking questions.
Get the ADVANCED Tier to Unlock these next Features:
Text Game & Social Media
Advanced Tier students get access to Text Game & Social Media
This social media module will teach you how to have beautiful women coming over to your house, daily.
You will learn how to get thousands of women showing you interest on dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble, or on social media apps such as Instagram!
These are ADVANCED strategies to allow you to acquire unlimited amounts of dating options, without all the bullshit that comes with online dating.
You will never be short of options ever again!
Learn the ins and outs of text game and social media from this module which consists of the following incredibly high value 6 advanced video tutorials:
– Introduction to Text Game & Social Media
– Social Media Mastery
– Photo Editing for Social Media
– Testing Photos for Statistical Significance
– Texting Women (Advanced Text Game)
Infield Footage
Advanced Tier students get to see very detailed infield video footage of Justin going out and doing what he does best, DAYGAME!
This video acts as a live demonstration of how to approach differently, sensing the situation and with utmost social awareness and understanding
You also get to see how Justin carries himself confidently and charismatically around people, his interactions,
If seeing is believing, this infield footage will make you TRANSFORM what you previously thought possible..
This advanced compilation of videos will allow you to recreate these advanced social results in yourself..
You can also see the way he deals with rejection and transmutes it into social momentum, which will make you realize and learn that it’s all part of Daygame Mastery.
Bonus : NightGame Mastery
The advanced level gives YOU access to the special bonus of knowing not only about Daygame but also about Nightgame.
Your glass would be half empty if you master Daygame, but didn’t know how to go about achieving those same results while doing Nightgame.
But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered in that aspect as well!
In this module, you will be learning the fundamentals and key concepts of Nightgame.
Nightclubs, bars, streetgame, pulling, parties, pulling,
We’ve got you covered.
Nightgame is different in its own way when compared to Daygame.
This will require you to make modifications to your strategies and game plan, which is also covered in this module.
This bonus might just get you laid cause Nightgame Mastery is really an eye-opener and the content in this module will put you on ANOTHER LEVEL compared to any other man, on a night out!
Get the ELITE Tier to Unlock these next Features:
Bootcamp Student Infield Training Footage
ELITE Tier students get a sneak peak of the inside of a Bootcamp with Justin
Here you will have a hands-on view of what goes on during a Bootcamp, where you will be coming along with Justin to witness how his students go from being shy and socially awkward to overcoming their fears and get the actual perfect woman they’ve always wanted.
This module will also show the students applying the concepts and fundamentals of Daygame Mastery while doing game.
This content will make you realize the steps they took which got them their desired results
With this, you can apply these tips and tricks when you go out and prevent yourself from committing the mistakes they make,
which will save you your energy, effort, and most importantly your time!
This will allow you to cut your learning curve and shift to an ELITE level of game, very very quickly..
Social Circle Mastery Manifesto
ELITE Tier students get access to this 80 minute MANIFESTO
Simply put, this manifesto breaks down the RULES of ELITE Social Circle Game: Making friends with celebs, partying with millionaires, hooking up with influencers, dating 10’s, and networking with the 1%
“Your Network is Your Net Worth”, so how do you build your network? That’s what you’re going to learn here.
Another thing to always remember is that, “You are the average of the five people you surround yourself with”
So once you’ve made a network of high valued individuals (be it millionaires celebrities or anybody who you consider to be high status)
you will attract their qualities and their mindsets by being around them! Hence, you will automatically ease into this new persona of being a HIGH-VALUE MAN which will, in turn, change your personal and dating life forever!
This manifesto is a guidebook on going from 0.. to HERO.
Become the social god of your own reality and live the life you’ve always dreamed of by mastering Social Circle Game through the Social Circle Mastery Manifesto
Social Circle Game Lifestyle Challenges
Elite Tier students get to have a lot of fun with these intensive Social Circle Lifestyle Challenges
You will face some very interesting and ‘social tests’ which you have never experienced
And when you overcome these challenges you will come out a different person
Imagine these as a series of tests, and if you can pass these tests.. you’ve proven yourself as an intermediate level student of the game
The social reputation you will develop from accomplishing these challenges will put your life on another level
And you will notice the quality of the women around you skyrocket as gorgeous women, and high level guys want to be around you
Girlfriend Game Manifesto
Most men who can attract a woman, struggle to keep her..
Having been in 20+ short and long-term relationships, Justin breaks down Relationship Mastery in the Girlfriend Game Manifesto for Elite Tier students
Justin will dissect masculine traits that make you irresistible, plus teach you to develop these skills to propel yourself to the next level
So, you’re thinking that acquiring the girl is the Endgame…
Well, you’re WRONG
That is when the actual Game begins.
But not to worry, Justin’s got you covered in this module where he’ll teach you how to keep the girl attracted to you emotionally and prevent her from falling out of love with you
Justin goes into a RANT about what makes or breaks a relationship, and how to keep her ALWAYS coming back for more of those crazy emotions
The MASTERY Tier includes all of the above, plus…
Infield Audio Pulls and Closes
The information you will be receiving in this module is so very dangerously powerful, You will become a GOD at Pulling and Closing! EVERY SINGLE DAY
You will not only be hearing Justin Open, Hook, Close, and Pull GOREGOUS women, but also get access to the nitty-gritty nuances in Justin’s verbal game where you will find out everything he does and says to get them out of their clothes, into his sheets
And, a true gentleman never remembers what happens after
These are documented infield pull audio recordings where you can hear every little nuance of bringing the women home.. so you can recreate these results for yourself
Infield Video Lay Report Text Game Breakdowns
This module consists of the 10 unreleased Infield Video Lay Reports that are broken down in detail by Justin.
What is an Infield Video Lay Report you ask? It’s a documented seduction, beginning to end
Showing you the ins and outs – from “hello” – to sex
Every detail, and every step of the way, until the bedroom
Teaching you the the why, the what, the when, and the how
So you can go on to achieve insane results like this, over and over
- Sleeping with 5 Girls in 24 Hours – Pool Party Breakdown
- Almost Pulling a 3some with 2 Hotties
- Cute 10/10 Latina Woman
- Dealing With Flakes
- Pulling a STUNNING Hot Model
- Dating a Smoking Hot Yoga Teacher
- Crazy but Sexy Model Pull & Close
- Date with a Smoke-Show Colombian Model
- Pulling a Sexy Latina Actress + Having a 3some
- Date with a STUNNER
- And much, much, more.. that we can’t say here
Win a full day with Justin Marc at his Toronto Penthouse
All penthouses have a great view and a cool vibe BUT this penthouse is like nothing you have ever seen before…
‘Cause, we take throwing house parties to another level.
We have literally have a full-fledged bar in our living room and more booze than one can even fathom!
Every single one who attends these parties are either smoke show models or high-level dudes.
We party almost every week and here,
You will not only get to meet a lot of hot girls but also get a chance to meet high level 7,8,9 figure entrepreneurs,
and even create connections and build a network with the 1%
The exposure, knowledge, and value you will receive is literally
Be it drinks on the balcony overlooking Toronto’s city lights
Flaming sambuca shots with girls in the jacuzzi
Deep talks by the firepit
It’s a full-on party packed penthouse which will give you the most fun and memorable times you have ever experienced before
And yes, it will be the best time of your life
Justin’s personal number so you can text him anytime
Mastery Tier students have unlimited access to Justin. YES. Justin will personally text you back, answer questions, give you feedback, and even jump a call with you.. anytime you need, on his personal number. Getting personalized feedback and mentoring directly from Justin via text will cut your learning curve in game and help you achieve results almost immediately
As a Mastery tier student, you are a top priority and Justin is always there for you, anytime you need
Instagram Follow Back from Justin Marc
Every Mastery Tier student gets a follow back on Instagram from Justin.
Not only is this HUGE social proof, but this means you can DIRECTLY message Justin anytime on Instagram if you have any questions at all
Because as a Mastery student, you are now part of Justin’s social circle and VIP network
and have unlimited access to Justin as a mentor, and as a friend
You will also be added to his CLOSE FRIENDS list on Instagram so you can see the RAUNCHY, CRAZY behind the scenes Instagram story videos that the public doesn’t get to see
Imagine all the crazy stuff that goes on behind the scenes, that nobody knows about
You will be one of the lucky few who gets exclusive access as part of Justin’s VIP Inner Circle and VIP network on Instagram!
Instagram stories is the #1 tool you can use to grow a social circle, business network, or simply get laid
As a close friend to Justin on Instagram, you will directly see how Justin utilizes this as a tool to manage his life, meet beautiful women, and achieve what most consider to be impossible..
Then you can go ahead, and recreate these results for yourself!
Bedroom Mastery
This is the FUN part, which comes after pickup…
that everyone is too scared to talk about…
Mastery Tier students get access to Bedroom Mastery, the crazy raunchy content we can’t talk about anywhere else.
How do you pleasure the woman and have an amazing time in the bedroom together?
getting over issues like performance anxiety, how to lead her through the experience, asserting that dominance in a consensual way, and giving her the best unimaginable satisfaction by making her orgasm more times than you thought possible..
Bedroom Mastery will give you the mindsets, tools, and tips you need to make her BEG for more and keep her cumming back to you, every single time
This will set you apart from every other man she has ever been with..
Think about it.. the average guy is so nervous and awkward when it comes to sex
With Bedroom Mastery, you will stand out from every other man she has been with
It will be such a refreshing change for her to be with a man who knows how to take the lead
You will set the standard in her life as a benchmark to what a man can be, in the bedroom
And one thing for sure, she will NEVER forget you after you implement Bedroom Mastery into your life
Here’s What Other PUAs Are Saying About Us
The PUA community is loving our product…here’s what they are saying about Daygame Mastery
Luis Mercado
To Catch A Cheater
1 Billion + views on YouTube
“Justin’s take on dating, daygame, and transforming yourself into a high-value man is just phenomenal. I can’t wait for you all to view and experience the insane value he’s offering through this course. Justin’s game is so tight, he can literally run circles around other PUA’s and make them look like amateurs. I’ve traveled the world with Justin. And his game works in every country with any girl. Dude is a beast”
David Bond
Youtuber & Game Veteran
“Justin is one the most social guys I’ve ever met, I swear he could approach anyone and anything. I’ve learned a lot from Justin just by being around the guy!”
Veteran PUA
1000+ Lays
“I think this course name fits perfectly as Justin is truly a Master at Daygame. I’m constantly surprised every time he shows me new stuff from DayGame Mastery. There’s always something in there I’ve never thought of before.”
Daygame Mastery is NOT for you if
- You’re scared of changes
- You’re already killing it with your life
- You don’t need any more women
- You’re not into girls
- You don’t want to put any effort into anything
Daygame Mastery IS for you if
- You want to be the best man you can be
- You’re not satisfied with your life right now
- You want to fucking KILL IT with women
- You’ll do what it takes to be the best
- You’ll be a gentleman and give her the D
Frequently Asked Questions:
- Innovative Business Model:
- Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
- The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
- The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
- Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
- No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
- No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
- No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
- No direct email support from the author or their team.
We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.
- Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
Refund is acceptable:
- Firstly, item is not as explained
- Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
- Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.
Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.
- Innovative Business Model:
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